Algebra Syllabus and Class Expectation – 2014-2015 School Year

Algebra I


Instructor: Mrs. Brenda Lecklider

(937) 298-2946




            * This class will cover Algebra Principles

* In addition, we will spend time focusing on test taking strategies and skills.


Text: McDougal Littell Algebra I


Grading Policy: Student grades (following Dominion Academy’s grading scale) will be based on the following:

Homework that clearly shows each problem, appropriate work shown and respective answers

Classroom Participation

Quizzes and Tests


1st Quarter

Chapter 1: Connections to Algebra

Chapter 2: Properties of Real Numbers

Chapter 3: Solving Linear Equations


2nd Quarter

Chapter 4: Graphing Linear Functions

Chapter 5: Writing Linear Equations

Chapter 6: Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities


3rd Quarter

Chapter 7: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

Chapter 8: Exponents and Exponential Functions

Chapter 9: Quadratic Equations and Functions


4th Quarter

Chapter 10: Polynomials and Factoring

Chapter 11: Rational Equations and Functions

Chapter 12: Radicals and Connections to Geometry (as time permits)


Dear Parents,                                                                                       August, 2014


As outlined on the attached Algebra syllabus, we will continue to build upon the skills learned during previous years. During the first class, students were given timed tests. Your student should be able to complete 90% on each timed test within a 3 minute period. I will e-mail you the results of your student’s timed tests within a week. If your student scores approximately 70% or less on these first few tests, your student will most likely need to practice these math facts at home. It will be the responsibility of your student to meet this goal and may require daily review until the facts have been acquired. Concentrating on speed helps students to respond automatically on demand, freeing their minds to focus on more challenging concepts. This skill is of the utmost importance.


As this course progresses, many new problems will rely on previously learned skills. As a result, it is imperative that students complete their homework on lined notebook paper (no spiral notebook paper, please), using pencil and showing their work. Homework should be written in a sequential manner on the paper. Students who submit homework that does not meet these guidelines will only receive 50% credit for that assignment. Students who consistently do not provide work shown on homework assignments may be given a yellow slip.


Student homework (even problems only) will be graded in class. Students are expected to check odd numbered homework problems as they complete the homework. This allows students to verify that they understand the concepts. This also helps them be prepared to ask questions during the next class.


I will periodically be using various math puzzles to help students develop their problem solving skills. Although the puzzles will be of varying difficulty, what one student may find as easy, another student may find difficult, and vice versa. Please encourage your student to try them, but not become overwhelmed or stressed by them. I may occasionally post some puzzles on my website for an extra challenge.


Students should also have a colored pen (other than black or blue) with them to grade homework. Students benefit from immediate feedback by correcting the homework during class. I will still collect and gather the homework to review your student’s work. Tests will be graded by me. In addition, I periodically will give basic skill tests to review previously learned concepts. These skill tests will not be recorded as a grade, but will be used to help the student prepare for future test taking.


I look forward to working with your student. Please confirm your e-mail address below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at My assignment sheets will be posted on my blog, if your student loses his/her copy or you want to access the assignment sheets.




Brenda Lecklider


Name of Student _________________________________________________


Parent Name(s) __________________________________________________


Parent Signature _________________________________________________


E-mail Address ___________________________________________________


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